Projektresultate EC5: Unsicherer Kontext

Schlingloff, H., et al.: Requirements for modelling uncertain-ties in an open system context, Request Document

Schlingloff, H., et al.: Requirements on methods for the con-sideration of uncertainties in an open context, Request Document

Gao, Y., et al.: Modeling of uncertainties in the open context of collaborative embedded systems

Kläs, M., et al.: Methods for analyzing uncertainties in the open context of collaborative embedded systems

Albers, K., et al.: Tools to model and analyze uncertainties Request Document

Vollmer, A. M., et al.: Evaluation plan for the developed methods and tools for modelling uncertainty in open contexts

Mirazaei, E., et al.: Documentation of the application of the methods and tools for the modelling of uncertainty in open contexts to the defined case studies Request Document

Mirazaei, E., et al.: Documentation and analysis of the evaluation results Request Document