CrESt Veröffentlichungen im 1. Halbjahr 2018

Hildebrandt, C., Törsleff, S., Bandyszak, T., Caesar, B., Ludewig, A., Fay, A.: Ontology Engineering for Collaborative Embedded Systems – Requirements and Initial Approach, Workshop zur Modellierung in der Entwicklung von kollaborativen eingebetteten Systemen (MEKES), im Rahmen der Modellierung 2018

Ludewig, A., Daun, M., Petrovska, A., Böhm, W., Fay, A.: Requirements for Modeling Dynamic Function Networks for Collaborative Embedded Systems, Workshop zur Modellierung in der Entwicklung von kollaborativen eingebetteten Systemen (MEKES), im Rahmen der Modellierung 2018

Damm, W. Kemper, S., Möhlmann, E., Peikenkamp, T., Rakow, A.: Traffic sequence charts - a visual language for capturing traffic scenarios, in Embedded Real Time Software and Systems - ERTS2018, 2018

Butting, A., Hillemacher, S., Rumpe, B., Schmalzing, D., Wortmann, A.: Shepherding Model Evolution in Model-Driven Development, Workshop zur Modellierung in der Entwicklung von kollaborativen eingebetteten Systemen (MEKES), im Rahmen der Modellierung 2018

Bandyszak, T., Kuhs, P., Kleinblotekamp, J., Daun, M.: On the Use of Orthogonal Context Uncertainty Models in the Engineering of Collaborative Embedded Systems. In: Workshop zur Modellierung in der Entwicklung von kollaborativen eingebetteten Systemen (MEKES)

Wager, A., Prehofer, C.: Translating Multi-Device Task Models to State Machines, IEEE Modelsward 2018, S. 201-208, SciTePress 2018

Böhm, B., Zeller, M., Vollmar, J., Weiß, S., Höfig, K., Malik, V., Unverdorben, S., Hildebrandt, C.: Challenges in the engineering of adaptable and flexible industrial factories, Workshop zur Modellierung in der Entwicklung von kollaborativen eingebetteten Systemen (MEKES), im Rahmen der Modellierung 2018

Koo, C.H., Vorderer, M., Junker, S., Schröck, S., Verl, A.: Challenges and requirements for the safety compliant operation of reconfigurable manufacturing systems. Procedia CIRP, 72, 1100-1105. ISSN 22128271. Verfügbar unter: doi:10.1016/j.procir.2018.03.038, 2018.

Schlingloff, H.: Specification and Verification of Collaborative Transport Robots. Invited paper for EITEC 2018 - 4th International Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems. Cyber-Physical Systems Week, Porto, Apr. 2018

Lorenz, F., Schlingloff, H.: Online-Monitoring Autonomous Transport Robots with an R-valued Temporal Logic. In: CASE 2018 - 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Special Session on Engineering Methods and Tools for the Development of Collaboration-intensive Cyber Physical Systems. München, Aug. 2018.

Caesar, B., Klein, W., Hildebrandt, C., Törsleff, S., Fay, A., Wehrstedt, J.C.: New Op-portunities using Variability Management in the Manufacturing Domain during Runtime. In: Schäfer, Karagiannis (Hrsg.): Fachtagung Modellierung 2018, 21.02.2018 – 23.02.2018, Braunschweig.

Hildebrandt, C., Törsleff, S., Caesar, B., Fay, A.: Ontology Building for cyber-physical-systems: From Requirements to heavyweight Ontologies. In: 14th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2018), Munich.

Hildebrandt, C., Klein, W., Wehrstedt, J.C., Fay, A.: Ontology-based Simulation of Manufacturing Systems in Open and Dynamic Contexts. In: VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. (Hg.) (2018): Automationskongress, Baden-Baden.

Törsleff, S., Hildebrandt, C., Daun, M., Brings, J., Fay, A.: Developing Ontologies for the Collaboration of Cyber-Physical Systems: Requirements and Solution Ap-proach. In: Cyber-Physical System Week: Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems, 11.-13.04.2018, Porto.

Zernickel, J.S., Schmiljun, A.: Die Fabrik der Zukunft, Fachartikel in „Deutsche Verkehrszeitung“, 2018.

Al-Hajjaji, M., Schulze, M., Ryssel, U.: Similarity Analysis of Product-Line Variants. In Proceedings of ACM SPLC conference (SPLC’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 4, 10 pages., 2018.

Butting, A., Eikermann, R., Kautz, O., Rumpe, B., Wortmann, A.: Controlled and Extensible Variability of Concrete and Abstract Syntax with Independent Language Features. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VAMOS'18), pg. 75-82, Madrid, Spain. Feb. 2018.

Bhat, M., Shumaiev, K., Koch K., Hohenstein, U., Biesdorf, A., Matthes, F. (2018): An expert recommendation system for design decision making - Who should be involved in making a design decision?, International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), Seattle, USA, 2018.

Kaiser, B.; Schneider, D.; Adler, R.; Domis, D.; Möhrle, F.; Berres, A.; Zeller, M.; Höfig, K. & Rothfelder, M.: Advances in Component Fault Trees”, Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World, Proceedings of ESREL 2018, 2018, 815-823, 2018.

Smirnov, D., Schenk, T., Wehrstedt, J. C., Hierarchical Simulation of Production Systems, CASE 2018 (akzeptiert).

Seitz, A., Henze, D., Nickles, J., Sauer, M., Bruegge, B.: Augmenting the Industrial Internet of Things with Emojis. The Third IEEE International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC 2018), Barcelona, Spain. April 23-26, 2018,“, 2018

Nieke, M., Seidl, C., Thüm, T.: Back to the Future: Avoiding Paradoxes in Feature-Model Evolution. International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-intensive Systems (VariVolution), 2018 (accepted for publication)

Kaiser, B., Schneider D., Adler, R., Domis, D., Möhrle, F., Berres, A., Zeller, M., Höfig, K., Rothfelder, M.: Advances in Component Fault Trees, in Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World. Proceedings of ESREL 2018, June 17-21, Trondheim, Norway: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press), 2018

Aigner, C., Grigoleit, F.: Maintaining configuration knowledge bases: Classification and detection of faults. 4th International Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (EITEC '18) at Cyber-Physical Systems Week. Porto, Portugal, 2018.

Petrovska, A., Grigoleit, F.: Towards Context Modeling for Dynamic Collaborative Embedded Systems in Open Context. 10th International Workshop on Modelling and Reasoning in Context (MRC‘18) at International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence. Stockholm, Schweden, 2018

Marmsoler, D.: Hierarchical Specification and Verification of Architecture Design Patterns. Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering - 21th International Conference, 2018.

Marmsoler, D.: A Framework for Interactive Verification of Architectural Design Patterns in Isabelle/HOL. Proceedings International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, 2018.

Marmsoler, D, Habtom K. Gidey: FACTUM Studio: A Tool for the Axiomatic Specification and Verification of Architectural Design Patterns. Submitted to FACS, 2018

Zarras, A., Gerostathopoulos, I., Fernandez, D.: Can Today’s Machine Learning Pass Image-based Turing Tests? 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018).

Gerostathopoulos, I., Prehofer, Ch., Bures T.: Adapting a System with Noisy Outputs with Statistical Guarantees. Accepted at the 13th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2018).

Gerostathopoulos, I., Prehofer, Ch., Bulej , L., Bures T., Horky, V., Tuma, P.: Cost-Aware Stage-Based Experimentation: Challenges and Emerging Results. Accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2018).

Gerostathopoulos, I., Prehofer, Ch., Uysal, A., Bures T.: A Tool for Online Experiment-Driven Adaptation. Accepted at the 4th DSS International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems (DSS 2018).

Hnetynka, P., Kubat, P., Al-Ali, R., Gerostathopoulos, I., Khalyeyev, D.: Guaranteed Latency Applications in Edge-Cloud Environment. Accepted at the 2nd Context-aware, Autonomous and Smart Architectures International Workshop (CASA 2018).

Zarras, A., Gerostathopoulos, I., Mendez Fernandez, D.: Shooting Ourselves on the Foot: Can Today's Machine Learning Pass Image-Based Turing Tests? Submitted to the ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2018 (IMC 2018)

Gerostathopoulos, I., Prehofer, Ch., Thomas, J., Bischl, B.: Online Experiment-Driven Adaptation. Submitted to IEEE Software, 2018.

Bandyszak, T., Daun, M., Tenbergen, B., Weyer, T.: Model-based Documentation of Con-text Uncertainty for Cyber-Physical Systems. In: 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2018.

Daun, M., Brings, J., Weyer, T.: A Semi-Automated Approach to Foster the Validation of Collaborative Networks of Cyber-Physical Systems. In: 4th IEEE/ACM International Work-shop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS@ICSE), 2018

Törsleff, S., Hildebrandt, C., Daun, M., Brings, J., Fay, A.: Modeling the Dynamic and Open Context of Collaborative Embedded Systems: Requirements and Initial Approach. In: Emerging Ideas and Trends in the Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (EITEC), 2018, 25-32

Tenbergen, B., Daun, M., Aluko Obe, P., Brings, J.: View-Centric Context Modeling to Foster the Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems. In: IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), 2018.

Brings, J.; Daun, M.; Kempe, M.; Weyer, T.: On Different Search Methods for Systematic Literature Reviews and Maps: Experiences from a Literature Search on Validation and Verification of Emergent Behavior. 22nd International Conference on Evaluation and As-sessment in Software Engineering (EASE), 2018, 35-45

Bandyszak, T.; Brings, J.: Herausforderungen bei der modellbasierten Entwicklung kollaborierender cyber-physischer Systeme für das RE. Requirements Engineering Conference (REConf) 2018, HOOD Group, München, März 2018.

Weyer, T.: Requirements Engineering im Zeitalter von Digitalisierung und Autonomen Systemen. Requirements Engineering Conference (REConf) 2018, HOOD Gropup München, Keynote, März 2018